
covered mushrooms Learn more about covered mushrooms

  • Control of non-physiological diseases of mushroom

    Control of non-physiological diseases of mushroom

    (1) the malformations of deformed mushrooms are mostly caused by temperature differences or unfavorable environments, and may also be related to the strains. The main kinds of deformities are as follows: 1. The stalk is hollow. The mushroom on the mushroom bed looks normal, but when the mushroom foot is cut off, it is found that the stalk is partially hollow and there is usually a circular cavity around a hard core. Then, the stalk section may crack and roll back, making the mushroom lose its beauty and decline in quality. This is mainly due to low air humidity during the mushroom emergence period, rapid evaporation of water in the mushroom body, over-drying of the soil layer and fruiting body.

  • Several control methods of mushroom diseases and insect pests

    Several control methods of mushroom diseases and insect pests

    First, mushroom brown rot: also known as mushroom verrucosporium, vesicle disease, white rot and so on. It is the most harmful disease in mushroom cultivation at present. In addition to harming mushrooms, it can also harm Pleurotus ostreatus, straw mushrooms, Tremella fuciformis and Ganoderma lucidum. The symptoms of the disease are different in different stages of mushroom development. when the mushroom begins to kink to form a young mushroom bud (when the fruiting body is not differentiated), it is easy to be infected and form a hard horse-like irregular tissue mass. It was covered with a layer of white villous hyphae, then darkened, and finally turned dark brown, oozing dark brown droplets from the diseased tissue. The small mushroom buds under the covered soil are also

  • Causes and Prevention of Mushroom malformation

    Causes and Prevention of Mushroom malformation

    In mushroom cultivation, the following abnormal mushrooms are produced in a high proportion, and the causes and preventive measures are as follows: Pleurotus ostreatus is due to excessive ventilation, low temperature, too late covering fine soil and too wet fine soil particles, which makes the position of the solid primordium too low, the primordium is squeezed by the surrounding soil particles in the process of growing up, the mushroom shape is not round, and the soil on the mushroom surface is like a "landmine". Prevention methods should strengthen water management, spray moisture on coarse and fine soil timely and slowly, reduce ventilation after spraying coarse soil particles, and keep the relative humidity of the air in the room at about 80%.

  • Control of common mushroom diseases and insect pests

    Control of common mushroom diseases and insect pests

    First, mushroom brown rot: also known as mushroom verrucosporium, vesicle disease, white rot and so on. It is the most harmful disease in mushroom cultivation at present. In addition to harming mushrooms, it can also harm Pleurotus ostreatus, straw mushrooms, Tremella fuciformis and Ganoderma lucidum. Symptoms: the symptoms of the disease are different in different stages of mushroom development. When the mushroom begins to kink to form a young mushroom bud (when the fruiting body is not differentiated), it is easy to be infected and form a hard horse neck-shaped irregular tissue mass. It is covered with a layer of white fluffy hyphae, then darkens, and finally turns dark brown.

  • Cultivation techniques of mushrooms in greenhouse how to cultivate mushrooms

    Cultivation techniques of mushrooms in greenhouse how to cultivate mushrooms

    Greenhouse vegetable technology helps people eat the food they want all the year round, and the cultivation of mushrooms in the greenhouse also makes it possible for people to enjoy the delicacy brought by mushrooms. Next, the editor is going to tell you how mushrooms are planted in the greenhouse.

    2020-11-08 Mushroom greenhouse planting technology how cultivation vegetables
  • Soil-covering cultivation of Lentinus edodes with out-of-season bag material

    Soil-covering cultivation of Lentinus edodes with out-of-season bag material

    The cultivation of Lentinus edodes with bag material has always adopted the mode of planting Lentinus edodes in spring, autumn and winter mushroom, and the mushroom production period is mainly from October to March of the following year, and the total amount of fresh mushrooms can not meet the increasing consumption demand at home and abroad. In recent years, Zhukou Town, Qingyuan County has explored a set of new soil-covering cultivation technology of out-of-season bag material Lentinus edodes, which has achieved good economic benefits and is very suitable for large-scale production of mushroom farmers. Only for colleagues' reference: 1 the advantages of off-season soil mulching cultivation of Lentinus edodes can be summarized in the following five aspects: 1.1 anniversary

  • Species of physiological malformations of mushrooms

    Species of physiological malformations of mushrooms

    The malformations of mushrooms are mostly caused by temperature difference or adverse environment, and may also be related to the strains. The common malformed mushrooms are mainly as follows: 1. The stalk is hollow. The mushroom looks normal from the outside, but when the mushroom foot is cut off, it is found that the stalk is partially hollow and there is usually a circular cavity around a hard core. Then, the stalk section may crack and roll back, so that the appearance of the mushroom is poor and the commerciality is reduced. The reason: this is mainly due to the low air humidity during the mushroom emergence period, the rapid evaporation of water in the mushroom body and the over-drying of the soil layer.

  • Symptoms and control points of mushroom verrucosporium disease

    Symptoms and control points of mushroom verrucosporium disease

    Mushroom verrucosporium disease is also known as wet rot, vesicle disease, white rot and so on. It is a common disease in the world. The pathogen is harmful verrucous mildew, also known as condyloma mildew, which belongs to the genus Alternaria, Cercosporaceae, Cercospora. When the mushroom hyphae starts to twist into small sizes

    2020-11-09 Mushrooms verrucous spores molds diseases symptoms and control key points mushrooms
  • The secret behind "Straw Crisp"! The residue of fruit and vegetable was turned into regenerated cover soil, and Zhou Zhaoyang practiced circular economy in growing mushrooms.

    The secret behind

    The secret behind "Straw Crisp"! The residue of fruit and vegetable was turned into regenerated cover soil, and Zhou Zhaoyang practiced circular economy in growing mushrooms.

  • Causes and Control measures of physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    Causes and Control measures of physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    Causes and Control measures of physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

  • How to grow high-temperature mushrooms?

    How to grow high-temperature mushrooms?

    How to grow high-temperature mushrooms? Please guide high-temperature mushrooms, also known as big fat mushrooms, high-temperature mushrooms, double-ring mushrooms, which is different from double-spore mushrooms in classification. High temperature mushroom has the following characteristics: first, it has stronger adaptability and heat resistance than Agaricus bisporus, and the temperature of mycelial growth is 5 ℃ higher than that of Agaricus bisporus.

  • Control of physiological Diseases of Mushroom

    Control of physiological Diseases of Mushroom

    Mushroom is more sensitive to the environment, poor cultivation environment, will hinder its normal growth and development, resulting in a variety of abnormal phenomena, resulting in the reduction of mushroom yield and quality. The common physiological diseases of mushroom are mycelium growing, hard umbrella opening, thin skin opening early or Pleurotus ostreatus, empty root Pleurotus ostreatus and so on. The symptoms of excessive growth of hyphae are introduced as follows: after the mushroom bed is covered with soil and transferred water, the mushroom villi hyphae will continue to grow to the fine soil surface, and in serious cases, a kind of fine and impervious quilt will be formed, thus delaying the mushroom emergence time and reducing the mushroom.

  • How to grow Agaricus bisporus, which is called "world mushroom"? What are the reasons and countermeasures for the emergence of mushroom obstacles?

    How to grow Agaricus bisporus, which is called

    Agaricus bisporus, also known as white mushroom, is a worldwide cultivation and consumption of mushrooms, known as the world mushroom, can be sold, canned, salted. At present, the development rate is very fast, with an annual growth rate of 15% to 20%. So how to grow Agaricus bisporus? Out

    2020-11-09 It's called "World Mushroom " double spore mushroom how grow
  • Death causes and Control of Mushroom Bud and Young Mushroom of Edible Fungi

    Death causes and Control of Mushroom Bud and Young Mushroom of Edible Fungi

    Death causes and Control of Mushroom Bud and Young Mushroom of Edible Fungi

  • Physiological Diseases and Control of Mushroom

    Physiological Diseases and Control of Mushroom

    Physiological Diseases and Control of Mushroom

  • Control of Common physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    Control of Common physiological Diseases of Edible Fungi

    1. After inoculation, the vegetative growth of edible fungi is too prosperous, and the villous hyphae grow densely. After covering the soil, they often "drill" out of the ground and form a fungal quilt. The occurrence of this situation is related to the characteristics of bacteria and environmental conditions. low water content in soil layer, high nitrogen content in culture materials, poor ventilation and excessive air humidity are easy to cause mycelium overgrowth and "false mycelium" phenomenon. Common prevention and control methods: select high-quality bacteria, pry loose and destroy the consolidated bacteria, cover fine soil, increase ventilation, reduce air relative humidity, and promote bacteria by spraying heavy water.

  • How to cultivate and manage Lentinus edodes (mushroom) in winter? What are the technical points? How to harvest and grade?

    How to cultivate and manage Lentinus edodes (mushroom) in winter? What are the technical points? How to harvest and grade?

    Lentinus edodes is one of the many mushrooms we eat in our lives. It tastes delicious and delicious. Whether it is baked or stir-fried stew, it can be used to enhance flavor and freshness. Lentinus edodes is also known as mushroom, incense, vertebral antler, Zizania latifolia, thick mushroom, flower mushroom, etc., so Lentinus edodes in winter

    2020-11-09 Lentinus edodes mushroom winter how cultivation management technology key points there are
  • Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Cultivation techniques of Pleurotus ostreatus

  • Mushroom diseases and their control techniques

    Mushroom diseases and their control techniques

    1. Fungal diseases 1. Brown rot. Also known as white rot, blister disease. Spores are carried into the mushroom house through soil cover and spread by air and pests. When the mushroom room air circulation, high temperature and humidity in case of serious disease. A large number of white mycelia were formed on the mushroom bed. After infection, the fruiting body stipe swelled into bubbles, and when it was serious, it formed deformed mushrooms, which turned brown, or formed white flocculent balls with indistinguishable stipe. Prevention and control methods: mainly to cover the soil disinfection. Put the covering soil in the empty room, add 3 grams of formaldehyde to 5 ml per square meter

  • How to control large button mushroom and Xylaria

    How to control large button mushroom and Xylaria

    Mushroom button and Xylaria are the main diseases of edible fungi. These two diseases are parasitic diseases, they parasitize on the mycelium of edible fungi, absorb the nutrition of edible fungi mycelium, once the disease occurs in the fungus tube or fungus bed, the infected part of the fungus tube or fungus bed will no longer produce mushrooms. Now its control methods are introduced as follows: 1. The fungus mainly infects Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinus edodes, Flammulina velutipes and so on. 1. Symptoms of the disease at the beginning of the bacteria or bacteria bed long white round small particles
